Creating Email Assets
You can create ad-hoc emails as you go, or you can create email assets in advance of a communication.
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You can create ad-hoc emails as you go, or you can create email assets in advance of a communication.
Last updated
To add an email asset, navigate to the second tab in the Messaging Module, titled Message Assets.
Once you're there, follow these steps:
Select the folder where you want to store the new email asset. This helps in organizing and categorizing your email templates.
Once you've chosen the folder, the "Add Email" button will become available.
Click on the "Add Email" button to create a new email asset specifically for Payment notifications to Parents.
By selecting the appropriate folder and using the "Add Email" button, you can create a new email asset tailored to your needs.
The Messaging Module provides you with flexibility and convenience in managing your email templates. This allows you to have centralized control over your email templates and streamline your communication processes.