Tag Management

Tags are a versatile tool that allows you to attach custom data to various types of records, with a primary focus on Constituent records.

Tags serve as labels or markers that provide additional information or categorization for records. They can be used to store specific details, attributes, preferences, or any other relevant data that helps in organizing and managing your database effectively.

By utilizing tags, you can enhance the functionality and customization of your database, tailoring it to your organization's unique requirements. Whether it's for segmentation, filtering, reporting, or any other purpose, tags provide a flexible and efficient way to store and access additional information associated with your records.

Adding Tags

To create a new tag, follow these steps:

  1. On a constituent's profile, scroll down to the bottom of their details.

  2. Click on the "Add Tag" button. A new dialog or form will appear with three parts: Category, Name, and Value.

  3. Begin by selecting a category for the tag. You can start typing in the type-to-search dropdown to find and select the desired category. Once you have chosen a category, the Tag Name dropdown will update to display the existing tags within that category.

  4. Select the appropriate Tag Name from the dropdown list.

  5. If the selected Tag Name has structured values associated with it, the Tag Value selector will be populated with the required value options. Choose the relevant value from the options provided.

  6. If the selected Tag Name does not have structured values, you can simply type in any arbitrary text as the value.

  7. After filling in the category, name, and value, click on the "Save" or "Add" button to create the new tag.

Structured Values

Structured values in tags refer to tags that have predefined values from which you must select. These values are set by your organization and help maintain data consistency and cleanliness within the system. When adding or editing a tag, if a tag has structured values, you will be presented with a dropdown or selector that contains the predetermined options.

Structured values offer several benefits:

  1. Data Consistency: By providing a set of required values, structured tags ensure that data entered into the system aligns with predefined categories and options. This helps maintain consistency and standardization across the database.

  2. Data Integrity: Structured tags help prevent errors or inconsistencies that can arise from manually entering arbitrary text. By limiting the values to a predefined set, you reduce the risk of typos, misspellings, or inconsistent formatting.

  3. Improved Reporting and Analysis: Having structured tags with set values enables more accurate and meaningful data analysis. You can easily filter, group, and compare data based on specific tag values, gaining valuable insights and generating more accurate reports.

To maintain data cleanliness and streamline operations, it is generally recommended to create tags with structured values whenever possible. This ensures that data entry is controlled and aligned with your organization's data management practices.

Editing Tags

When editing a tag, it's important to note that you cannot change the category or name of an existing tag. The category and name are fixed once the tag is created. However, you do have the ability to update the value associated with the tag.

If you need to change the category of a tag, the recommended approach is to delete the existing tag and create a new one with the desired category. This ensures clarity and consistency in organizing your tags.

To edit the value of a tag, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the tag in the tags summary section within the constituent's details.

  2. Click on the tag to open the editor for that tag.

  3. In the editor, you will see the existing value of the tag. Modify the value according to your needs.

  4. After updating the value, select Save or Update to save the changes.

Remember that tags play an important role in organizing and categorizing information within your database. By carefully managing and updating the values of your tags, you can ensure accurate data representation and efficient data management.

Customizing Tags

While your database comes with a default set of tags, you have the flexibility to create and add your own custom tags that align with the specific needs of your organization.

To view and manage existing tags, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the SiteSetup Module.

  2. Click on the fourth tab, labeled "Tag Management."

  3. To ensure you have the most up-to-date information, click the refresh icon (represented by a circular arrow) located at the top right corner of the page. This will load all the existing tags.

  4. Find the tag you want to manage and click on it to highlight it. Once the tag is highlighted, you will see an Edit button next to the Add Tag button.

  5. Click on the Edit button to open the tag editor dialog.

  6. Make the necessary changes to the tag's name, description, category, value type, status, binding, auto load, allow multiple, or bound values.

  7. After making the desired changes, click the Save button to save the updated tag.

Adding New Tags

Creating new tags is not limited to the preset list. You have the flexibility to create new tags that align with your organization's needs. However, it is recommended to designate one or two primary tag managers who will oversee the tag list. Their role is to ensure the list of tags remains clean and well-maintained.

Having dedicated tag managers helps prevent the creation of duplicate or redundant tags and ensures a streamlined database. They can review the existing tags, assess their relevance, and determine if new tags need to be created to meet specific requirements. The tag managers can establish guidelines for tag creation, ensuring consistency and alignment with the organization's data management strategy.

By adopting this approach, you can maintain a controlled and organized tag system, avoiding unnecessary clutter in the database. This promotes data integrity and facilitates efficient searching, analysis, and reporting based on tagged records.

To create a new tag, follow these instructions:

  1. To create a new tag, click on the "Add Tag" button. This will open the Tag editor dialog.

  2. In the Tag editor dialog, provide the necessary details for your tag. This typically includes selecting a category, specifying a name, and entering a value if applicable.

  3. Once you have filled out the details of your tag, click the "Save" button to save the tag.

Tag Fields

There are various fields associated with each tag. These field descriptions below provide guidance and options for configuring your tags to meet your specific requirements and ensure accurate data management.

Name: The name of the tag, which helps identify and distinguish it from other tags.

Description: A short description that provides information about the purpose or usage of the tag. It helps users understand the tag's intended use.

Category: Categories are used to group and manage tags. Enter a textual value that represents the category. Note that categories are case sensitive, so "Newsletters" and "newsletters" would be treated as different categories.

Value Type: Specifies the type of value that can be associated with the tag. It ensures that the entered value matches the selected type. The possible value types include:

  • Text: Allows text entries.

  • Number: Allows number entries.

  • Date: Allows date entries.

  • Currency: Allows dollar amount entries.

  • Yes/No: Allows only "yes" or "no" as response options.

  • True/False: Allows only "true" or "false" as response options.

  • Text Block: Allows a block of text as a response.

Status: Indicates whether the tag is enabled or disabled. Setting it to "disabled" prevents the use of this tag.

Binding: Specifies the data points where the tag can be used. You can select specific data points or choose to make the tag available for all data points. For example, selecting "Constituents" restricts the tag to be used only for constituents.

Auto Load: If set to true, the tag will be automatically added when creating a constituent, event, campaign, or any other data point that supports tags.

Allow Multiple: If set to true, the tag can be added to a single record multiple times.

Bound Values: When creating a tag and specifying bound values, you are defining a predefined list of values that can be selected when adding that tag to a record. By limiting the available options to the bound values, you ensure consistency and prevent spelling errors or variations in tag values.

For example, if you have a tag called "Interests" and the bound values are "Sports," "Music," and "Art," when adding the "Interests" tag to a constituent, you can only select one of these predefined options. This helps maintain uniformity in the data and avoids inconsistencies or discrepancies in the tag values.

By enforcing the selection from bound values, you have better control over the tag values and can easily analyze and categorize records based on these standardized options.

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