Schedule Level Settings Update

A list of fields that were added and removed in the update to the schedule level settings forms.

New Fields

For all levels, the category and sub-category field labels were changed to 'Core Essential Service' (CES) and 'Topic', respectively. The field type was also changed from free form text to a multiple select drop down.

The selectable Topic's are controlled by what CES you have selected. If you unselect a CES, it's Topics will become unselected automatically.

Doing this allows for deeper insights when reporting on the programming offered or served.

Field Removal

While we were updating the form to handle a more strict category selection, we took the opportunity to remove some unused and deprecated fields.

All Levels

Enrollment, Session, Program and Class

Area / Location: String

Deprecated in favor of the Location field.

Venue Notes: String

Deprecated, initially used to provide context to the location online.

Schedule Program

Attendee Count

Intended to provide a static count of attendees else where in the application. Should not be manually editable.

Volunteer Count

Intended to provide a static count of volunteer else where in the application. Should not be manually editable.

Schedule Class

Pay Rate: Currency

Data shows almost no use. It's intention was to indicate how much is to be paid to the instructor / co-instructor.

Paid: Yes/No

Since Pay Rate was dropped, this was too.

Class Status: Select

This was only used as a static status, not controlled by any other variable, such as time.

Report Requested: Yes/No


Substitute Requested: Yes/No


Last updated


Change request updated