Registration Form
Tailor your online registration form to fit your needs
Last updated
Tailor your online registration form to fit your needs
Last updated
The new Form Builder lets you customize the predefined registration fields, along with adding your own custom questions!
Head over to the new Registration Form page. If this is your first time, a default set of options will be inserted for each section of the registration form.
Each section is shown on it's own page in the Parent Portal. For each of these predefined field sections, some questions can be disabled. Other required questions are denoted with an asterisk (*).
The form is split into several sections, each representing a separate page in the registration flow. Each section can have it's own custom questions, which allows for better clarity when asking related questions.
The existing form sections are:
Parent Contact Info
Parent Demographics
Participant Info
Participant Contact Info
Participant Demographics
Participant Medical
Participant Academics
Each question is tied to a field. Basic Fields are grouped by:
Date & Time
Each field has a set of standard options that can control how your question is asked. You can control the label, placeholder and description of every field.
Label: A short text to indicate the answer or question being asked. This will also be the column name when reviewing form results.
Placeholder: This is the grayed out value that is displayed in the field when the user has not typed a value. Useful for showing what types of values you are expecting. Note: placeholder is not not available for all choice fields.
Description: Use this field to ask your question in detail or provide more context about the question, in a way that could help get the best answer.
Along with those options, each field can be marked as required, which will require a response from the user to continue.
Once a field is clicked or you add a new one, the field editor will show allowing you to customize the settings for that field.
Each field has a common set of sections. As well as the standard fields mentioned before (label, placeholder, description, required), each field may have a section to control which options are available to select - like the multiple choice dropdown shown above. Read more about the various types of fields.
Within a field editor, there are icons to move the question up or down, and another to delete. If an icon is grayed out, it is unable to move up or down. Locked questions, such as predefined fields are not movable or deletable.
This is a unique field which controls a group of fields already created in the form. Each section has a set of predefined fields in which you can control to display on the registration form. Click on a predefined field section to open the editor on the right. Simply uncheck the fields you do not want to be shown, and click Save at the top.
Fields marked with an asterisk are required for functionality or by your parent organization.
Text fields are fairly standard. The value the user types into the field will be the value saved. Text fields are best suited for short, free-form tags, or a note.
There are several types of choice fields. They fall into two categories, single or multi select. A single select field (Dropdown, Select One) only allows the user to select one of many values, while a multi allows for one or more.
Single Checkbox is an exception as it only has one value. This field is best used for agreements, waivers, etc.
Adding Items to Choice Fields
Each choice field needs a list of choices for the user to select. When working with choices, use the ADD ITEM button to add a choice option to the field.
By checking the checkbox of that option, it will be set as the default value when a user visits the form.
A form is tied to a constituent. In our registration form, multiple constituents can be created. Each form has a raw table of of form results These results will be viewable in the coming releases.
Where the power of the From Builder comes in, is allowing you to set custom fields and notes on the constituent in question.
For example, given our question from before with the t-shirt color. We can configure this question to be saved as a Tag on the participant.
We created a new Tag called Summer t-shirt color, set some predefined choices, and selected that tag in our field data section.
When you select a tag that has predefined choices, and the choices in your field do not match, OnTrack will warn you of potential inconsistencies in your data. This keeps your data clean and structured for when you go to report on it!
To add a new question, simply click on the button within the section you want to add a new field to. When clicking the button, you can select which field you want to add. After selecting, the field editor will show.