Constituent Clean-up
Data happens, learn how to clean-up constituents in OnTrack
As data enters the system, and the more people interact with it, things can get out of line. Duplicates, entry errors, missing relationships, etc. We have a few tools and workflows to help get things back - OnTrack.
Identifying Potential Duplicates
The best approach to ensuring data integrity is to address issues as they arise. However, utilizing C360 BI, we can efficiently identify potential duplicates in bulk, review them, and take the necessary steps. It's important to note that this process is manual to ensure thorough review and appropriate actions can be taken to maintain data accuracy and reliability.
We can utilize the Constituent table to identify individuals sharing identical information, such as First and Last Name, Mobile Number, Address, and more. This approach allows for customizable field selection, allowing you to tailor the duplicate identification process to your specific workflow needs.
Heres an example of how we can find potential duplicates using the First and Last name fields.
Note this workflow assumes building the question in the question editor. The same process would apply to the visual editor.
First, start a new question in C360 BI and select Constituents as the data source.
Next, add a Count of Rows Summary and a First Name & Last Name Grouping.
Next, add a filter to find results where the count is greater than one.
In plain words, this question says "Show me the constituents who have the same first and last name as another constituent". By using the "count is greater than one" filter, we ask it to only return results where two or more people share the same names.
Now to take a quick peak at the results, click the ▶️ preview icon, or click Visualize to see all the results.
Here we can see that we have a single potential duplicate, where two constituents share the same first and last name. The next step here would be to open up Constituents and merge them together!
Here is the question in it's entirety.
You can customize the Grouping selections to include, for example, Phone Number, Email Address, or any other fields available! Keep in mind, the more fields you add to the group, the more specific the question will be, which will return less results.
Pro tip: add a second Count of Rows Summary after the filter and save as a question to put on a dashboard. This will give you the total possible duplicates in your database.
Merging Duplicate Constituents
When two or more constituents exist in the system, we can merge them together, automatically linking all the existing records.
You can only merge two constituents at a time. If you have multiple, you will want to run the merge multiple times.
To merge two constituents:
Search for the people you want to merge
Select both their checkboxes in the table
Select 'merge constituents' in the sidebar that opens
Select which constituent you want to keep and click start
When presented with the option to select which person you want to merge into, select the constituent you want to keep. A helpful Data Score lets you know who has more data. While a selection is required, the result will be the same, so choosing either record is okay.
Updating Missing Profile Data
You can use the constituents search "Data Quality" section to easily find constituents who have the following missing profile data.
No email
No phone
No mailing address
No portal access number (e.g. parent portal)
You can also combine any other filter in the search form to narrow down your results. From here, simply click on the row and edit the constituent.
Connect Missing Relationships
When manually entering or batch adding constituents, sometimes we don't have a full profile and are required to later update a relationship between a parent, participant, sibling or emergency contacts.
Keep in mind the ideal relationship hierarchy when adding relationships manually.
Adding a Parent to a Participant
When a participant is found without a parent section filled out, you can easily link an existing constituent or create a new one using the contacts section of the participants sidebar.
From the participant sidebar, navigate to the contacts section and expand the list.
Existing Relationship
If the parents name already shows up in the list, you can click on the card and change the relationship to the appropriate relationship for a parent or guardian. Then, click on "View Constituent". If this person does not have the Parent persona, click "Edit Info" in the parents sidebar to add it.
New Relationship
If the parent doesn't show up in their contacts, we can create and link them at the same time! Click "Add New" to open up the relationship dialog.
Start by searching for an existing parent by typing their name. It's nice to double check this person is who we think they are, but if we're unsure or a person wasn't found, an option to create a new constituent will show.
Hint: the new constituent option will only show when no results were found
A new constituent dialog will open. Enter their details and at a minimum, select Parent as their persona.
Last updated