Understanding Programs
Programs in OnTrack are highly customizable, and having a comprehensive understanding of the different components and their data tracking capabilities will enable you to have the best experience and tailor the system to your organization's needs. You can configure programs to suit your specific requirements and efficiently track data relevant to your organization's activities. With this level of customization, you can ensure that OnTrack fits seamlessly into your organization's workflow and supports your unique processes effectively.
Navigating Programs
On the Programs landing page, you'll find four tabs: Schedules, Online Schedules, Programs, and Attendance.
Program Schedules: Schedules are used for organizing programs, providing a higher-level grouping and management option. It offers flexibility for organizations with varying tracking requirements. Each schedule can have its own fee, location, and more. Learn more about Schedules.
Online Schedules: This tab consolidates all programs that are available for online registration, making it easier to view and manage online program registrations.
Templates: Templates enable you to create curriculum and content areas that can be reused when building out your organization's Program Schedules.
Attendance: This tab allows you to perform advanced searches on attendance records, providing a way to access and manage attendance data efficiently.
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