Building Schedules

Follow these steps to create a Schedule using Example #1, but note that the same process applies to all examples. As you proceed through these steps, the data will be automatically saved.

Adding New Schedule

From the Programs Modules, select '+Add New Schedule' from the right corner.

Locating the 'Add Schedule' button

Step 1 – Add Enrollment:

  • Drag the Enrollment tab into the builder.

  • Name the Enrollment level as "School Year 2023."

Dragging an Enrollment level onto the Schedule

Step 2 – Add Session:

  • Drag the Session tab over the Enrollment level.

  • Enter the details for your Session, e.g., "Summer Session 1."

Adding a Session and the associated metadata fields

Step 3 – Select a Program:

  • Drag the Program tab and a dialog will open, displaying your available Programs. (You can create new Programs under the Templates tab.)

Program selection window

Once a template is selected, the program will be populated with the defaults of that template.

Editing details of a selected program

Step 4 – Add a Class:

  • Drag the Class tab into the selected Program.

  • Enter the details for the Class.

Adding a Class and the associated metadata fields

You can also create classes in bulk by setting up a recurring Class, which can be done later.

Next Steps

Continue adding Programs and Classes to your schedule until you have built the complete hierarchy.

After creating your Schedule, click Close to view your Schedule list. You can use the filter to locate your new Schedule.

Filtering schedules from the schedule list

Click on the Schedule to open the sidebar and view its details. From here, you can manage the Schedule by enrolling Participants, printing rosters, taking attendance, and more.

Navigating to view a schedule

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