User Accounts
Having unique User Accounts also allows for personalized settings and permissions tailored to each user's role and responsibilities.
It is recommended that each user within your organization has their own unique User Account to access OnTrack. This ensures that usage and actions can be tracked and attributed to specific individuals. By assigning individual User Accounts, you can maintain accountability within the system.
To access the User Accounts Module, follow these steps:
Open OnTrack and navigate to the navigation menu (located in the top right corner).
Click on the User Accounts Module from the available options.
Upon accessing the User Accounts Module, you will initially see a list of user accounts. Please note that the following accounts are pre-defined and cannot be edited, except for the Admin account which your primary contact will have access to:
Admin: This account is typically assigned to your primary contact and allows full administrative access.
WebPortal: This account is used by the C360 support team when accessing the web portal.
Support: This account is utilized by the C360 support team to provide assistance within your database.
VDC: This account is reserved for internal purposes by the C360 team.
While the Admin account can be edited and customized to suit your organization's needs, the remaining accounts serve specific functions and are managed by the C360 team.
Below the Admin and support accounts, you will find your organization's user accounts listed in alphabetical order. There are three types of accounts: Standard, System and Alternative.
Standard Accounts: These accounts are created for staff and users who will directly access and use the OnTrack database for various functions and tasks.
System Accounts: These apply automatically to all pre-set C360 accounts (like admin, support, etc.) Additionally, System accounts give you access to the Parent Portal button from the side of any Parent's constituent profile. If any staff beyond the Admin account need access to Parent Portals, someone will need to update their User Account to System.
Alternative Accounts: These accounts are created for interacting users, such as parents and volunteers. While they do not have access to the OnTrack system itself, they can utilize different portals to register participants, sign up for volunteer activities, and perform other related actions.
The distinction between these two types of accounts allows for efficient management and ensures that users have appropriate access and capabilities based on their roles and responsibilities within the organization.
Last updated